Thursday, February 17, 2011

Xango - Explosive growth for a reason

 With 8 years of commissions under their belt, XanGo has never been late on one commission check. To date, XanGo has written more then 3 Million checks to distributors totaling in excess of $1 Billion dollars in commissions
UNITED NATIONS: Corporate Social Responsibility Award FOR CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS around the world
On the Board of Directors on the Global Direct Sales Association
XanGo Chairman of the Board, Aaron Garrity, was named #2 MOST Powerful man in Network Marketing
 Thousands of MLM Companies have started since 1957. ONLY 50 companies survived 10 or more years
 64 companies reached $100 Million in annual sales AND XANGO WAS THE FASTEST
Only 11 companies have reached $1 Billion dollars in sales and it took them an average of 36 years. XanGo did it in 5.
XanGo had an increase of 256% in the first three years.  Economists would say that's impossible. XANGO IS GOING TO DOUBLE IN THE NEXT 2 YEARS
 Don't let people you care about loose sight of where they want to be. It's a fact that Belief and Decision are critical to success. But, ACTIONS and ACTIVITIES are critical to the journey of our success. We help people achieve this by having calls, and events, so they get what they need to be inspired, committed to the process, and help them develop their SKILLS. Skills need to develop and grow.
A big part of success is duplicating what works. Do you want to achieve your dreams?
IMAGINE YOUR ANNUAL INCOME BECOMING YOUR MONTHLY INCOME? It can be, our expert team can assist you and show you how...
 Hear and see others at YouTube - User twk1953 ...

Hear the benefits of Xango ... from the Doctors themselves.
                                        Dr. Talbott and Dr. Templeman

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